Voicethread is a great teaching tool for students.  It can be used to teach standards and get student to think about their thinking.  My family and I had an opportuity to attend a  Venus Williams' tennis match  in Memphis, Temmessee.
 The tennis match  was a good demonstration of   Newton's  3  Laws of  Motion.   
To determine whether a use is fair requires four factors:  1. The first factor is the purpose of the copying, and copying to support an educational use.  2. The nature of the copyright work.  Is the copyright published or unpublished. 3.  How much has been copied in relationship to the copyright as a whole?  Is the amount of the original work used reasonable?  4.  The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. Does the new work appeal to the same audience as the origianl work? 
This class is finally coming together. I like voki avatar and plaln to do a lesson using voki. What is Voki avatar?`    It is this neat free service that allows you to create personallized speaking avatars. You can use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages.  What a great technology to use in the classroom. The down side is  the maximum recording time is 60 seconds
This article expresses how technology is now being widely used in the classroom to enhance and support teaching and learning. Strategies and techniques now used to support technology in teaching and learning enable
teachers to work collaboratively with students while the students become more immersed in their own learning. The journal serves as a role to explore the intergration of technology in the education process and express ways in which changes will increase the use of strategies such as guided inquiry, group problem solving and critical thinking. Along with these
changes, the use of technology has given rise to many questions.

The author believed that with new information technology it has become what he called “transhuman” process as people share with increasingly powerful artificial networks and brains. He also believed that where learning was once based in a school classroom, the emergency of new information technology has seen learning permeating every form of social
activity outside the school, from work to entertinment and home life. The emergency of the Internet and its resources has caused teachers to respond to the need to intergrate technology in classroom and activities.
However, many teachers are not prepared to use technology to support their classroom activities.
According to the article over fifty percent of teacher-education graduates surveyed felt they were either not prepared or were
poorly prepared to use technology. Therefore, teachers were offered numerous opportunities to prticipate in conference, workshops, and training programs, which serve to encourage teacher to lern how to use a variety of
technology and ifferent ways by which the may be itergrated across the curriculum.

Many students are more familiar with some of the new technologies. Therefore, students are often asked to help both teachers and other students to understand how the technologies work. Working together, teachers and
students become teams of “knowledge explorers” as learning becomes more meaningful.

Duhaney, D. C. (2000). Technology and the educational process: Transforming  classroom activities.International Journal of Instructional Media, 27(1), 67-72.

This Class is so difficult for me.  Will I learn how to do this computer stuff?.  I will not give up!!!!!!!!  It has gotten better. I am learning how to intergrate technology into the lesson and  how to give most of the control over to the students.  Students enjoy helping  using the technology and helping in areas where teachers find themselves trapped in tring to figure out the next stept.